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Connections and Transactions

Databasez handles database connection pooling and transaction management with minimal fuss. It'll automatically deal with acquiring and releasing connections to the pool as needed, and supports a simple transaction API that transparently handles the use of either transactions or savepoints.


This is the main object used for the connections and it is a very powerful object.

from databasez import Database


  • url - The url of the connection string.

Default: None

  • force_rollback - A boolean flag indicating if it should force the rollback.

Default: False

  • config - A python like dictionary as alternative to the url that contains the information to connect to the database.

Default: None

  • options - Any other configuration. The classic kwargs.


Be careful when setting up the url or config. You can use one or the other but not both at the same time.

Connecting and disconnecting

You can control the database connection, by using it as a async context manager.

async with Database(DATABASE_URL) as database:

Or by using explicit .connect() and disconnect():

database = Database(DATABASE_URL)

await database.connect()
await database.disconnect()

If you're integrating against a web framework, then you'll probably want to hook into framework startup or shutdown events. For example, with Esmerald you would use the following:

async def startup():
    await database.connect()

async def shutdown():
    await database.disconnect()

Starlette is deprecating the previous way of declaring events in favour of the newly created Lifespan.

Esmerald on the other hand, will allow you to continue to use the events in both ways. Internally Esmerald handles the on_startup and on_shutdown in a unique and clean way where it will automatically generate the Lifespan events for you.


Since the author of Esmerald and Saffier is the same and you would like to have those same type of events to continue also for Starlette even after the deprecation and without breaking your code or diverge from Starlette's base, the same author is the creator of Starlette Bridge where it was shared the same approach created for Esmerald with everyone to use with Starlette or any Starlette related project, for example, FastAPI.

Connection options as a string

The PostgreSQL and MySQL backends provide a few connection options for SSL and for configuring the connection pool.

# Use an SSL connection.
database = Database('postgresql+asyncpg://localhost/example?ssl=true')

# Use a connection pool of between 5-20 connections.
database = Database('mysql+aiomysql://localhost/example?min_size=5&max_size=20')

You can also use keyword arguments to pass in any connection options. Available keyword arguments may differ between database backends.

database = Database('postgresql+asyncpg://localhost/example', ssl=True, min_size=5, max_size=20)

Connection options as a dictionary

Databasez also provides another way of passing the connection options by using dictionaries.

For those who are used to other frameworks handling the connections in this way, this was also a reason why this was also added.

Databasez expects a python dictionary like object with the following structure.

"connection": {
    "credentials": {
        "scheme": 'sqlite', "postgres", "postgres+aiopg"...
        "host": ...,
        "port": ...,
        "user": ...,
        "password": ...,
        "database": ...,
        "options": {
            "driver": ... # In case of MSSQL
            "ssl": ...

When a python dictionary like is passed into the Database object, then the config parameter needs to be set.

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
             "scheme": 'sqlite', "postgres", "postgres+aiopg"...
             "host": ...,
             "port": ...,
             "user": ...,
             "password": ...,
             "database": ...,
             "options": {
             "driver": ... # In case of MSSQL
             "ssl": ...

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

The options is everything else that should go in the query parameters, meaning, after the ?

Normal cases

Let us see an example. Let us assume we have a database with the following:

  • Type: postgres
  • Database name: my_db
  • User: postgres
  • Password: password
  • Port: 5432
  • Host: localhost

This would look like this:

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
            "scheme": "postgres+asyncpg",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 5432,
            "user": "postgres",
            "password": "password",
            "database": "my_db",

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

This is the equivalent to:


A more complex example

Let us now use an example using MSSQL which usually requires more options to be passed.

  • Type: mssql
  • Database name: master
  • User: sa
  • Password: Mssql123mssql
  • Port: 1433
  • Host: localhost

This would look like this:

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
            "scheme": "mssql+aioodbc",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 1433,
            "user": "sa",
            "password": "Mssql123mssql",
            "database": "master",
            "options": {"driver": "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"},

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

This is the equivalent to:



As you can see, Databasez offers some other ways of achieving the same results and offers multiple forms of creating a Database object.


Transactions are managed by async context blocks.

A transaction can be acquired from the database connection pool:

async with database.transaction():
It can also be acquired from a specific database connection:

async with database.connection() as connection:
    async with connection.transaction():

For a lower-level transaction API:

transaction = await database.transaction()
    await transaction.rollback()
    await transaction.commit()

You can also use .transaction() as a function decorator on any async function:

async def create_users(request):

The state of a transaction is liked to the connection used in the currently executing async task. If you would like to influence an active transaction from another task, the connection must be shared:

Transaction isolation-level can be specified if the driver backend supports that:

async def add_excitement(connnection: databases.core.Connection, id: int):
    await connection.execute(
        "UPDATE notes SET text = CONCAT(text, '!!!') WHERE id = :id",
        {"id": id}

async with Database(database_url) as database:
    async with database.transaction():
        # This note won't exist until the transaction closes...
        await database.execute(
            "INSERT INTO notes(id, text) values (1, 'databases is cool')"
        # ...but child tasks can use this connection now!
        await asyncio.create_task(add_excitement(database.connection(), id=1))

    await database.fetch_val("SELECT text FROM notes WHERE id=1")
    # ^ returns: "databases is cool!!!"

Nested transactions are fully supported, and are implemented using database savepoints:

async with databases.Database(database_url) as db:
    async with db.transaction() as outer:
        # Do something in the outer transaction

        # Suppress to prevent influence on the outer transaction
        with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
            async with db.transaction():
                # Do something in the inner transaction

                raise ValueError('Abort the inner transaction')

    # Observe the results of the outer transaction,
    # without effects from the inner transaction.
    await db.fetch_all('SELECT * FROM ...')
async with database.transaction(isolation="serializable"):