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Connecting to a database

Databasez handles database connection pooling and transaction management with minimal fuss. It'll automatically deal with acquiring and releasing connections to the pool as needed, and supports a simple transaction API that transparently handles the use of either transactions or savepoints.


This is the main object used for the connections and it is a very powerful object.

from databasez import Database


  • url - The url of the connection string or a Database object to copy from.

Default: None

  • force_rollback - An optional boolean flag for force_rollback. Overwritable at runtime possible. Note: when None it copies the value from the provided Database object or sets it to False.

Default: None

  • full_isolation - Special mode for using force_rollback with nested queries. This parameter fully isolates the global connection in an extra thread. This way it is possible to use blocking operations like locks with force_rollback. This parameter has no use when used without force_rollback and causes a slightly slower setup (Lock is initialized). It is required for edgy or other frameworks which use threads in tests and the force_rollback parameter.

Default: None

  • poll_interval - When using multithreading, the poll_interval is used to retrieve results from other loops. It defaults to a sane value.

Default: None

  • config - A python like dictionary as alternative to the url that contains the information to connect to the database.

Default: None

  • options - Any other configuration. The classic kwargs.


Be careful when setting up the url or config. You can use one or the other but not both at the same time.


full_isolation is not mature and shouldn't be used in production code.


  • force_rollback: It evaluates its trueness value to the active value of force_rollback for this context. You can delete it to reset it (del database.force_rollback) (it uses the descriptor magic).


  • copy - Either usable directly or via copy from the copy module. A fresh Database object with the same options as the existing is created. Note: for creating a copy with overwritten initial force_rollback you can use: Database(database_obj, force_rollback=False). Note: you have to connect it.

  • force_rollback(force_rollback=True): - The magic attribute is also function returning a context-manager for temporary overwrites of force_rollback.

  • asgi - ASGI lifespan interception shim.

Connecting and disconnecting

You can control the database connection, by using it as a async context manager.

async with Database(DATABASE_URL) as database:

Or by using explicit .connect() and disconnect():

database = Database(DATABASE_URL)

await database.connect()
await database.disconnect()

If you're integrating against a web framework, then you'll probably want to hook into framework startup or shutdown events. For example, with Esmerald you could use the following:

from django.core.asgi import get_asgi_application

from databasez import Database

applications = Database("sqlite:///foo.sqlite").asgi(
    # except you have a lifespan handler in django

In django/

Connection options as a string

The PostgreSQL and MySQL backends provide a few connection options for SSL and for configuring the connection pool.

# Use an SSL connection.
database = Database('postgresql+asyncpg://localhost/example?ssl=true')

# Use an SSL connection and configure pool
database = Database('postgresql+asyncpg://localhost/example?ssl=true&pool_size=20')

You can also use keyword arguments to pass in any connection options. Available keyword arguments may differ between database backends. Keywords can be used like in create_async_engine (most are passed through). This means also the keyword extraction works like in sqlalchemy

database = Database('postgresql+asyncpg://localhost/example', ssl=True, pool_size=20)

Note: not all query values are morphed into kwargs arguments. Options which will be transformed are in databasez/ in extract_options

Some transformed options are:

  • ssl: enable ssl.
  • echo: enable echo.
  • echo_pool: enable echo for pool.
  • pool_size: maximal amount of connections, int (former name: min_size).
  • max_overflow: maximal amount of connections, int (former name: max_size).
  • pool_recycle: maximal duration a connection may live, float.
  • isolation_level: isolation_level, str.

Connection options as a dictionary

Databasez also provides another way of passing the connection options by using dictionaries.

For those who are used to other frameworks handling the connections in this way, this was also a reason why this was also added.

Databasez expects a python dictionary like object with the following structure.

"connection": {
    "credentials": {
        "scheme": 'sqlite', "postgres" ...
        "host": ...,
        "port": ...,
        "user": ...,
        "password": ...,
        "database": ...,
        "options": {  # only query
            "driver": ... # In case of MSSQL
            "ssl": ...

When a python dictionary like is passed into the Database object, then the config parameter needs to be set.

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
             "scheme": 'sqlite', "postgres" ...
             "host": ...,
             "port": ...,
             "user": ...,
             "password": ...,
             "database": ...,
             "options": {
             "driver": ... # In case of MSSQL
             "ssl": ...

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

The options is everything else that should go in the query parameters, meaning, after the ?

Normal cases

Let us see an example. Let us assume we have a database with the following:

  • Type: postgres
  • Database name: my_db
  • User: postgres
  • Password: password
  • Port: 5432
  • Host: localhost

This would look like this:

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
            "scheme": "postgres+asyncpg",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 5432,
            "user": "postgres",
            "password": "password",
            "database": "my_db",

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

This is the equivalent to:


A more complex example

Let us now use an example using MSSQL which usually requires more options to be passed.

  • Type: mssql
  • Database name: master
  • User: sa
  • Password: Mssql123mssql-
  • Port: 1433
  • Host: localhost

This would look like this:

from databasez import Database

    "connection": {
        "credentials": {
            "scheme": "mssql+aioodbc",
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 1433,
            "user": "sa",
            "password": "Mssql123mssql",
            "database": "master",
            "options": {"driver": "ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server"},

database = Database(config=CONFIG)

This is the equivalent to:



As you can see, Databasez offers some other ways of achieving the same results and offers multiple forms of creating a Database object.

Extra drivers

Databasez comes with extra drivers and overwrites for existing drivers. That way some strange defaults of sqlalchemy are smoothed and the DSN analysed for extra parameters which were keyword only in the original dialect. This way an integration is easier.

Extra drivers and overwrites

Connections and Transactions

Databasez uses enhanced connection objects. They smooth out some API decisions by the sqlalchemy authors but allow direct access to the sqlalchemy connections too. So both styles can be mixed.

Most important is, only when using them as context, operations are guranteed async/multithreading capable when using databasez.

Further documentation is in:

Connections & Transactions

Reusing sqlalchemy engine of databasez

For integration in other libraries databasez has also the AsyncEngine exposed via the engine property. If a database is connected you can retrieve the engine from there. It is however protected, so you can only access it from the same loop.

Debugging (multithreading)

Sometimes there is a lockup. To get of the underlying issues, you can set

databasez.utils.DATABASEZ_RESULT_TIMEOUT to a positive float/int value.

This way lockups will raise an exception.