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Tests and Migrations

Databasez is designed to allow you to fully integrate with production ready services, with API support for test isolation, and integration with Alembic for database migrations.

Test isolation

Databasez provides the DatabaseTestClient already configured to create the test_ database from you.


Because databasez uses SQLAlchemy core, you can integrate with Alembic for database migration support. The same as you could do with databases.

$ pip install alembic
$ alembic init migrations

You'll want to set things up so that Alembic references the configured DATABASE_URL, and uses your table metadata.

In alembic.ini remove the following line:

sqlalchemy.url = driver://user:pass@localhost/dbname

In migrations/, you need to set the 'sqlalchemy.url' configuration key, and the target_metadata variable. You'll want something like this:

# The Alembic Config object.
config = context.config

# Configure Alembic to use our DATABASE_URL and our table definitions.
# These are just examples - the exact setup will depend on whatever
# framework you're integrating against.
from myapp.settings import DATABASE_URL
from myapp.tables import metadata

config.set_main_option('sqlalchemy.url', str(DATABASE_URL))
target_metadata = metadata


Note that migrations will use a standard synchronous database driver, rather than using the async drivers that databases provides support for.

This will also be the case if you're using SQLAlchemy's standard tooling, such as using metadata.create_all(engine) to setup the database tables.


Edgy (from the same author) is a good example as it has an internal migration system based on Alembic and integrates with Databasez.